jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Project Aura

Here I present you the trailer of the video-game I'm working at right now. The production of the trailer has been conducted by Bone-Studio under the direction of Jorge Ramón. Here you can read a detailed article of it's creation written by Juan Gea:

I've been responsible of advising on various aspects such as script, editing, sound... I also did the modelling of the 3d cryonics room. It was a hard work because of the short deadline we had, but we are very happy with the result.

About the video-game, as art director I had to take care of the look&feel and the production of the graphics. At the same time I got to model and texture most of the graphics that you can see in the game.

The video-game was featured in Steam Greenlight and in just two days we get the necessary support to release the game on this platform. Here you have the Steam site:

And official web:

The game production is still going on, so I'll show you an extensive gallery with the designs and the 3D models.